A significant incident occurred involving a beloved resident of the Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium. Thibodaux, a 36-year-old alligator, underwent an urgent medical procedure late last week to remove an unexpected collection from its stomach – a total of 70 coins. The zoo officials discovered this metallic stash during a routine examination. Fortunately, all the coins were successfully removed, saving Thibodaux from potential harm. Veterinarian Dr. Christina Ploog believes that visitors may have thrown the coins into the alligator’s habitat, which is a dangerous and unwelcome practice.
“With the assistance of his training, Thibodaux was anesthetized and intubated to allow us to safely manage him during the procedure,” explained Dr. Christina Ploog, DVM, an associate veterinarian at Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium, who led the procedure. “A plastic pipe was placed to protect his mouth and facilitate the safe passage of tools used to access the coins, including a camera that assisted us in guiding the retrieval of these objects.”
All the coins were successfully extracted, a confirmation supported by a follow-up X-ray image. Thibodaux recuperated well from the procedure and has returned to his habitat.
“While a procedure like the one conducted on Thibodaux is not always common, it serves as a notable example of the dedicated efforts of our animal care and health teams across our campus to provide excellent care to our animals every day,” stated Taylor Yaw, Zoo veterinarian, and director of animal health.
The Zoo appeals to its visitors, emphasizing that “guests should refrain from throwing coins into any bodies of water at the Zoo.” They suggest that any loose change can be exchanged for a souvenir coin using the machines scattered around the Zoo or deposited into the coin wishing well located in the atrium of the Desert Dome.
- Beloved: Dearly loved or cherished.
- Underwent: Experienced or went through a process or procedure.
- Discovered: Found or learned about for the first time.
- Stash: A secret store or hiding place, often for valuable items.
- Habitat: The natural environment or surroundings where an organism or community of organisms lives.
- Anesthetized: Rendered insensible to pain with the use of anesthesia.
- Intubated: Inserted a tube, especially into the trachea, for administering anesthesia or providing ventilation.
- Facilitate: To make a process or action easier or smoother.
- Retrieval: The act of recovering or obtaining something that was lost or misplaced.
- Recuperated: Recovered from illness or hardship.
- Appeals: Makes a strong and earnest request or plea.
- Emphasizing: Giving special importance or significance to something.
- Refrain: To hold back or abstain from doing something.
- Souvenir: A keepsake or memento, often obtained during travel.
- Scattered: Spread or distributed widely in various directions.
- Deposited: Placed or left in a particular location, often for safekeeping.
- Atrium: A central open area within a building, often featuring a skylight.
- Desert Dome: A specific area or structure within the zoo, likely with a desert-themed exhibit.