Determiners & Quantifiers – English Grammar Tutorial

Determiners and quantifiers are words that help specify or quantify nouns in a sentence. They play a crucial role in providing information about the noun they modify, such as whether it’s specific or general, definite or indefinite, or how much or how many are involved. Here are the types of determiners and quantifiers, along with examples for each:

1. Definite Article:

  • Determiner Type: Definite Article
  • Examples:
    1. The car is parked outside.
    2. The students are preparing for the exam.
    3. The sun rises in the east.

2. Indefinite Articles:

  • Determiner Type: Indefinite Articles (a, an)
  • Examples:
    1. A cat is on the roof.
    2. An apple fell from the tree.
    3. A new employee joined the company.

3. Demonstrative Determiners:

  • Determiner Type: Demonstrative Determiners (this, that, these, those)
  • Examples:
    1. This book is interesting.
    2. I like that dress.
    3. These are the best cookies I’ve ever had.

4. Possessive Determiners:

  • Determiner Type: Possessive Determiners (my, your, his, her, its, our, their)
  • Examples:
    1. My car needs a wash.
    2. Her laptop is on the desk.
    3. Their house is beautiful.

5. Quantifiers:

  • Quantifier Type: Quantifiers (some, any, many, few, several, all, much, little)
  • Examples:
    1. Some people prefer tea over coffee.
    2. Do you have any questions?
    3. Many students attended the seminar.

6. Distributive Determiners:

  • Determiner Type: Distributive Determiners (each, every, either, neither)
  • Examples:
    1. Each student must submit their assignment.
    2. I like either option.
    3. Neither answer was correct.

7. Interrogative Determiners:

  • Determiner Type: Interrogative Determiners (which, what, whose)
  • Examples:
    1. Which movie did you watch?
    2. What color is your car?
    3. Whose book is this?

8. Numbers:

  • Quantifier Type: Numbers (one, two, three, etc.)
  • Examples:
    1. I have two sisters.
    2. Three books are missing from the shelf.
    3. There are five chairs in the room.

9. Universal Quantifiers:

  • Quantifier Type: Universal Quantifiers (all, every)
  • Examples:
    1. All students must attend the meeting.
    2. I eat fruit every day.
    3. All the lights are on.

10. Partitive Determiners:

  • Determiner Type: Partitive Determiners (some of, any of, most of, a lot of)
  • Examples:
    1. I need some of the documents.
    2. Have you seen a lot of movies lately?
    3. Most of the students passed the exam.

Understanding the various determiners and quantifiers in English grammar helps in constructing accurate and meaningful sentences by providing information about the nouns they modify.


1) Question: Which determiner is used for a specific, known item or group?
A) A
B) An
C) The

Answer: C) The
Explanation: “The” is a definite article used for specific, known items.

2) Question: What is the indefinite article used before words starting with a vowel sound?
A) The
B) An
C) This

Answer: B) An
Explanation: “An” is used as an indefinite article before words starting with a vowel sound.

3) Question: Which quantifier is used to express a large but unspecified quantity?
A) Many
B) Few
C) Several

Answer: A) Many
Explanation: “Many” is a quantifier used to express a large quantity.

4) Question: What type of determiner is “this” in the sentence: “I like this book”?
A) Demonstrative
B) Possessive
C) Interrogative

Answer: A) Demonstrative
Explanation: “This” is a demonstrative determiner indicating a specific item.

5) Question: Identify the possessive determiner in the sentence: “Is this your bag?”
A) This
B) Your
C) Bag

Answer: B) Your
Explanation: “Your” is a possessive determiner indicating ownership.

6) Question: What is the interrogative determiner in the sentence: “Which movie did you watch?”
A) Which
B) Did
C) You

Answer: A) Which
Explanation: “Which” is an interrogative determiner used to ask about a specific choice.

7) Question: Which quantifier can be used to express an unspecified amount?
A) All
B) Some
C) Most

Answer: B) Some
Explanation: “Some” is a quantifier used to express an unspecified amount.

8) Question: Identify the distributive determiner in the sentence: “Each student must submit their assignment.”
A) Each
B) Must
C) Their

Answer: A) Each
Explanation: “Each” is a distributive determiner referring to individual items.

9) Question: What is the universal quantifier in the sentence: “All dogs bark”?
A) All
B) Dogs
C) Bark

Answer: A) All
Explanation: “All” is a universal quantifier indicating every item in a category.

10) Question: Which partitive determiner is used in the sentence: “I need some of the documents”?
A) Some
B) Of
C) The

Answer: A) Some
Explanation: “Some” is a partitive determiner indicating an unspecified portion of the documents.

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