English Conversation Practice | English Speaking Practice For Beginners

Person 1:  Hi!
Person 2:  Hey! How’s it going?
Person 1:  What’s up?
Person 2:  Not much, just chilling.
Person 1:  Did you see the game last night?
Person 2:  Yeah, it was intense! Couldn’t believe that ending.
Person 1:  Any plans for the weekend?
Person 2:  Just catching up on sleep. 
Person 1:  I started a new hobby – painting.
Person 2:  That’s cool! 
Person 1:  I got a new job!
Person 2:  Wow, congratulations! That’s fantastic news.
Person 1:  How’s your day going so far?
Person 2:  It’s been okay. Nothing special.
Person 1:  Do you like to cook?
Person 2:  Yeah, I enjoy it. Trying out new recipes lately.
Person 1:  I’m thinking of adopting a pet.
Person 2:  That’s great!
Person 1:  Heard about the new restaurant in town?
Person 2:  Yeah, I’ve been wanting to try it. Let’s go together!
Person 1:  What’s your favorite music genre?
Person 2:  I like a bit of everything. 
Person 1:  Have you been to the gym lately?
Person 2:  Trying to go regularly. It’s tough but worth it.
Person 1:  Did you see the latest movie?
Person 2:  Not yet. 
Person 1:  I’m planning a short trip.
Person 2:  Nice! Where are you thinking of going?
Person 1:  Hey, have you tried that new café in the neighborhood?
Person 2:  Not yet, but I’ve heard good things about it. Wanna check it out together?
Person 1:  How’s the weather treating you today?
Person 2:  It’s so unpredictable lately. I wish it would make up its mind.
Person 1:  I’m thinking of taking up a dance class.
Person 2:  That sounds fun! 
Person 1:  Have you ever been to a live concert?
Person 2:  Yeah, a few times. The energy is incredible. You should experience it.
Person 1:  I tried a new recipe last night.
Person 2:  How did it turn out? Share the secret!
Person 1:  I can’t believe it’s already March.
Person 2:  Time is flying.
Person 1:  I watched a documentary about space yesterday.
Person 2:  Space is fascinating! What did you learn?
Person 1:  Do you prefer mountains or beaches for a vacation?
Person 2:  Tough choice! Both have their charm. 
Person 1:  I got a new gadget. It’s amazing!
Person 2:  Cool! What is it, and what does it do?
Person 1:  I’m trying to learn a new language.
Person 2:  That’s impressive! 
Person 1:  Any exciting plans for the evening?
Person 2:  Just a quiet night at home.
Person 1:  I found a great deal on a fitness class.
Person 2:  Nice! Sign me up too. We can motivate each other.
Person 1:  I attended a virtual event last night.
Person 2:  How was it? Virtual gatherings are becoming quite common these days.

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