Rosa Parks (1913-2005) was a prominent African American civil rights activist whose courageous act of resistance played a pivotal role in the American Civil Rights Movement. Born on February 4, 1913, in Tuskegee, Alabama, Rosa Parks became an iconic figure for her role in the Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1955.

On December 1, 1955, Parks, a seamstress, refused to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery, Alabama, bus. Her act of civil disobedience led to her arrest and became a catalyst for the Montgomery Bus Boycott, a coordinated effort by the African American community to protest racial segregation on public transportation. The boycott, which lasted for over a year, marked a significant victory for the civil rights movement and brought national attention to issues of racial injustice.

Rosa Parks’ courageous stand made her a symbol of resistance against racial discrimination and inequality. She continued her activism throughout her life, working with civil rights leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and contributing to the broader struggle for equal rights. Rosa Parks’ legacy extends beyond the bus boycott, as her actions and dedication to justice have inspired generations and left an indelible mark on the fight for civil rights in the United States. She passed away on October 24, 2005, but her impact on the quest for equality and justice continues to be remembered and celebrated.


Here are 10 quotes attributed to Rosa Parks:

  1. “I believe we are here on the planet Earth to live, grow up, and do what we can to make this world a better place for all people to enjoy freedom.”

  2. “You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right.”

  3. “Memories of our lives, of our works, and our deeds will continue in others.”

  4. “The only tired I was, was tired of giving in.”

  5. “I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free… so other people would be also free.”

  6. “I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear.”

  7. “I would like to be known as a person who is concerned about freedom and equality and justice and prosperity for all people.”

  8. “People always say that I didn’t give up my seat because I was tired, but that isn’t true. I was not tired physically… No, the only tired I was, was tired of giving in.”

  9. “Each person must live their life as a model for others.”

  10. “Stand for something or you will fall for anything. Today’s mighty oak is yesterday’s nut that held its ground.”

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