Malala Yousafzai’s Inspiring Speech at the Nobel Concert for Peace

Prepare to be moved by Malala Yousafzai’s remarkable speech at the Nobel Concert for Peace. This YouTube video captures the essence of her unwavering determination and commitment to promoting education and peace. Immerse yourself in her empowering words and let her story ignite a fire within you. #MalalaYousafzai #NobelConcert #empoweringspeech


  1. Majesties: Royal status or dignity; the sovereign and queen/king.

  2. Distinguished: Recognized and respected for excellence; having a special status.

  3. Humbled: To feel modest or humble, often in the presence of something greater.

  4. Unconditional: Without any conditions or limitations; absolute.

  5. Clip (one’s) wings: To restrict or limit someone’s freedom or opportunities.

  6. Inspire: To motivate or encourage someone to do something.

  7. Commitment: Dedication and loyalty to a cause or belief.

  8. Pashun (Pakistani): Pashtun, an ethnic group in Pakistan.

  9. Nobel Peace Prize: An international award given annually for efforts towards peace.

  10. Deny: To refuse or withhold something from someone.

  11. Taboos: Social or cultural prohibitions; things considered unacceptable.

  12. Sustainable: Capable of being maintained or continued over the long term.

  13. Impractical: Not practical or feasible; not realistic.

  14. Potentials: Capabilities or possibilities for future development or achievement.

  15. Contributor: Someone who contributes or adds to a particular cause or effort.

  16. Duty: Moral or legal obligation; something one is required to do.

  17. Affliction: A state of pain, distress, or suffering.

  18. Early marriage: Marrying at a young age, typically before reaching adulthood.

  19. Ending: Bringing something to a conclusion or termination.

  20. War-torn: Affected or damaged by the ravages of war.

  21. Wasted: Not used or utilized effectively; squandered.

  22. Potential: The inherent capacity for growth, development, or success.

  23. Landmark: A significant or historic event or development.

  24. Algebra: A branch of mathematics dealing with symbols and the rules for manipulating those symbols.

  25. Physics: The branch of science that deals with matter, energy, motion, and force.

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