Preposition – English Grammar Tutorial

A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other elements in a sentence. Prepositions indicate direction, location, time, manner, or relationships in space. They are essential for conveying the relationships between different elements within a sentence.

Types of Prepositions:

  1. Prepositions of Place:

    • Definition: Prepositions of place indicate the location or position of one thing in relation to another.
    • Examples:
      • In: The cat is in the box.
      • On: The book is on the table.
      • Under: The keys are under the mat.

  2. Prepositions of Time:

    • Definition: Prepositions of time convey when an action takes place.
    • Examples:
      • At: We will meet at 3 PM.
      • In: She was born in April.
      • On: The party is on Saturday.

  3. Prepositions of Movement:

    • Definition: Prepositions of movement describe the direction or movement of a person or object.
    • Examples:
      • Across: They walked across the bridge.
      • Through: The car drove through the tunnel.
      • To: She went to the store.

  4. Prepositions of Direction:

    • Examples:
      • To: He went to the park.
      • Into: She walked into the room.
      • Towards: The bird flew towards the mountains.

  5. Prepositions of Agent:

    • Definition: Prepositions of agent indicate the person or thing performing an action.
    • Examples:
      • By: The book was written by the author.
      • With: The painting was created with a brush.
      • Through: Success was achieved through hard work.

  6. Prepositions of Cause or Reason:

    • Definition: Prepositions of cause or reason explain why something happened.
    • Examples:
      • Because of: The flight was delayed because of bad weather.
      • Due to: The event was canceled due to unforeseen circumstances.
      • Owing to: Owing to his efforts, the project succeeded.

  7. Prepositions of Condition:

    • Definition: Prepositions of condition describe the circumstances necessary for an action.
    • Examples:
      • In case of: In case of rain, the event will be indoors.
      • Provided that: You can borrow the car, provided that you return it by tomorrow.
      • Unless: You won’t pass the exam unless you study.

  8. Compound Prepositions:

    • Definition: Compound prepositions are formed by combining a preposition with another word.
    • Examples:
      • In front of: The dog is in front of the door.
      • On top of: The hat is on top of the shelf.
      • By means of: The message was conveyed by means of a letter.

  9. Prepositions of Instrument or Device:

    • Definition: Prepositions of instrument or device indicate the means by which an action is carried out.
    • Examples:
      • With: She cut the paper with scissors.
      • By: The painting was created by a skilled artist.
      • Using: He fixed the car using a wrench.

  10. Prepositions of Comparison:

    • Definition: Prepositions of comparison show the relationship between two things.
    • Examples:
      • Than: She is taller than her brother.
      • Like: The car runs like a dream.
      • Unlike: Unlike the others, she prefers tea.

Understanding these types of prepositions is crucial for constructing grammatically correct and coherent sentences. Prepositions help provide clarity and precision in expressing relationships between elements in language.

1) Question: Identify the preposition of place in the sentence: “The cat is under the table.”
A) Cat
B) Under
C) Table

Answer: B) Under
Explanation: “Under” is the preposition of place indicating the location of the cat.

2) Question: Choose the correct preposition of time in the sentence: “The meeting is scheduled at 4 PM.”
A) Meeting
B) Scheduled
C) At

Answer: C) At
Explanation: “At” is the preposition of time indicating the specific time of the meeting.

3) Question: What type of preposition is “through” in the sentence: “She walked through the park”?
A) Preposition of movement
B) Preposition of place
C) Preposition of time

Answer: A) Preposition of movement
Explanation: “Through” is a preposition of movement, describing how she walked through the park.

4) Question: Identify the preposition of direction in the sentence: “He went to the store.”
A) He
B) Went
C) To

Answer: C) To
Explanation: “To” is the preposition of direction indicating the destination.

5) Question: Choose the preposition of agent in the sentence: “The book was written by the author.”
A) Book
B) Was
C) By

Answer: C) By
Explanation: “By” is the preposition of agent indicating the authorship of the book.

6) Question: What type of preposition is “because of” in the sentence: “The flight was delayed because of bad weather”?
A) Preposition of cause or reason
B) Preposition of time
C) Preposition of place

Answer: A) Preposition of cause or reason
Explanation: “Because of” is a preposition of cause or reason, explaining why the flight was delayed.

7) Question: Identify the compound preposition in the sentence: “The cat is sitting in front of the fireplace.”
A) Cat
B) Is sitting
C) In front of

Answer: C) In front of
Explanation: “In front of” is the compound preposition indicating the position of the cat.

8) Question: Choose the correct preposition of instrument or device in the sentence: “She cut the paper with scissors.”
A) She
B) Cut
C) With

Answer: C) With
Explanation: “With” is the preposition of instrument or device indicating the tool used.

9) Question: What type of preposition is “in case of” in the sentence: “Bring an umbrella in case of rain”?
A) Preposition of condition
B) Preposition of place
C) Preposition of time

Answer: A) Preposition of condition
Explanation: “In case of” is a preposition of condition, describing the circumstance for bringing an umbrella.

10) Question: Identify the preposition of comparison in the sentence: “She is taller than her friend.”
A) She
B) Taller
C) Than

Answer: C) Than
Explanation: “Than” is the preposition of comparison indicating the comparison of height between two individuals.

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