The Language of Animals – Tenali Raman Stories

One day, the court of King Krishnadevaraya was abuzz with excitement as news spread that a sage who could understand the language of animals was passing through the kingdom. Intrigued by the possibility of such a remarkable ability, King Krishnadevaraya summoned the sage to his court.

The sage, known for his mystical powers, arrived at the court accompanied by a variety of animals – birds, monkeys, and even a wise old elephant. As the animals chattered and made noises, the sage listened intently and responded with gestures and words that seemed to communicate with them.

Impressed by the sage’s demonstration, King Krishnadevaraya turned to Tenali Raman, his trusted court jester, and said, “Tenali, this sage claims to understand the language of animals. Do you believe such a thing is possible?”

Tenali Raman, always quick-witted and skeptical, replied, “Your Majesty, forgive me for my doubts, but I believe actions speak louder than words. If this sage truly understands the language of animals, let him prove it with a task only animals can fulfill.”

The king, intrigued by Tenali’s suggestion, turned to the sage and said, “If you truly possess this extraordinary gift, then I challenge you to decipher the message conveyed by the animals in my kingdom. They must reveal a secret known only to them.”

The sage accepted the challenge and spent days wandering through the kingdom, observing the behavior of animals and listening to their sounds. Eventually, he returned to the court with a confident expression on his face.

Addressing the king and the courtiers, the sage said, “Your Majesty, I have deciphered the message conveyed by the animals. They speak of a hidden treasure buried beneath the old banyan tree in the royal garden.”

Excited by the prospect of discovering hidden treasure, King Krishnadevaraya ordered his servants to dig beneath the old banyan tree. To everyone’s amazement, they unearthed a chest filled with jewels and gold coins.

As the court celebrated the discovery, Tenali Raman approached the sage and whispered something in his ear. The sage’s expression turned pale, and he quickly left the court without saying a word.

Curious, King Krishnadevaraya asked Tenali Raman what he had whispered to the sage. With a mischievous grin, Tenali replied, “Your Majesty, I simply told him that while he may understand the language of animals, he failed to recognize the cleverness of humans. The animals were not speaking of a hidden treasure, but rather of the abundance of love and unity in your kingdom, a treasure far more valuable than gold.”

Impressed by Tenali Raman’s wisdom and insight, King Krishnadevaraya thanked him for his guidance and declared him the true master of wit and intelligence in his court.

And so, Tenali Raman once again proved his unmatched cleverness, showing that true treasure lies not in material wealth, but in the virtues of love, unity, and understanding.



  1. Abuzz: Filled with excited or animated activity or conversation; buzzing with energy.
  2. Excitement: A feeling of enthusiasm, eagerness, or exhilaration about something anticipated or experienced.
  3. Sage: A profoundly wise person, especially one who is renowned for their wisdom and experience.
  4. Intrigued: Arousing curiosity or interest in someone; fascinating.
  5. Remarkable: Worthy of attention or notice; exceptional; extraordinary.
  6. Summoned: Called upon someone to come or appear, typically for a specific purpose, often by authority.
  7. Mystical: Relating to mysticism or the belief in hidden or spiritual truths beyond human understanding.
  8. Accompanied: To go along with someone as a companion or escort.
  9. Chattered: To talk rapidly, incessantly, and often inconsequentially; to make a series of quick, lively sounds.
  10. Intently: With earnest and eager attention; with a concentrated or focused manner.
  11. Gestures: Movements of the body or limbs that express an idea, sentiment, or intention, especially without speech.
  12. Skeptical: Inclined to doubt or question assertions, claims, or propositions.
  13. Decipher: To interpret, decode, or figure out the meaning of something, especially something that is difficult to understand or unclear.
  14. Reveal: To make known or disclose something previously hidden, secret, or unknown.
  15. Wandering: Moving aimlessly or without a fixed destination; roaming or meandering.
  16. Buried: Covered or concealed beneath a surface; to place or hide something underground.
  17. Beneath: Underneath or below, often indicating a lower position or level.
  18. Amazement: A feeling of great surprise, wonder, or astonishment.
  19. Unearthed: To dig up or uncover something buried or hidden, especially from the ground.
  20. Whispered: To speak very softly or quietly, often in a secretive or confidential manner.
  21. Pale: Having a light or whitish color; lacking intensity or brightness.
  22. Mischievous: Playfully causing annoyance or trouble, often with a sense of fun or humor.
  23. Grin: A broad smile expressing amusement, pleasure, or satisfaction.


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