The Royal Cat – Tenali Raman Stories

In the kingdom of Vijayanagara, there lived a cunning thief who was notorious for his skill in stealing valuable items from the royal palace. Despite the king’s best efforts to catch him, the thief always managed to evade capture.

One day, the king’s favorite cat, known for its beauty and grace, mysteriously disappeared from the palace. The king was devastated by the loss of his beloved pet and ordered his guards to find the cat at any cost.

As the search for the missing cat intensified, rumors began to spread that the cunning thief was behind its disappearance. Determined to solve the mystery, King Krishnadevaraya summoned Tenali Raman, his clever court jester, to assist in the investigation.

Tenali Raman carefully examined the evidence and devised a plan to catch the thief. He instructed the palace guards to spread the word that a lavish feast would be held in honor of the return of the royal cat. The thief, eager to partake in the feast, would surely attend in disguise.

Sure enough, on the day of the feast, the thief arrived at the palace disguised as a nobleman. Unbeknownst to him, Tenali Raman had set a trap. As the thief mingled with the guests, Tenali discreetly signaled the guards to close the palace gates, trapping the thief inside.

Realizing he had been caught, the thief attempted to flee, but the guards swiftly apprehended him. Under interrogation, the thief confessed to stealing the royal cat and revealed where he had hidden it.

With the cat safely returned to the palace, King Krishnadevaraya rewarded Tenali Raman for his ingenuity and quick thinking. The king praised Tenali for his cleverness and awarded him with gold coins and honors.

From that day on, Tenali Raman’s reputation as the king’s most trusted advisor and problem solver only grew. His wit and intelligence continued to serve the kingdom of Vijayanagara, ensuring peace and prosperity for all.

And so, the tale of “The Royal Cat” became a testament to Tenali Raman’s cunning and resourcefulness, solidifying his place as a legendary figure in the history of the Vijayanagara kingdom.


  1. Cunning: Having or showing skill in achieving one’s ends by deceit or evasion; crafty; sly.
  2. Notorious: Famous or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed; infamous.
  3. Evade: Escape or avoid, especially by cleverness or trickery.
  4. Devastated: Destroyed or ruined emotionally; deeply distressed or overwhelmed.
  5. Beloved: Dearly loved or cherished; greatly loved or adored.
  6. Intensified: Become or make more intense; strengthen or increase in severity or degree.
  7. Determined: Having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it; showing determination or resolve.
  8. Summoned: Called upon someone to come or appear, typically for a specific purpose, often by authority.
  9. Devised: Formulated or developed a plan, system, or method for doing something; invented or created.
  10. Lavish: Sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious; extravagant.
  11. Partake: Take part in an activity; participate in or share in something.
  12. Disguise: Conceal the true nature or identity of something; alter the appearance of in order to conceal the identity of.
  13. Disguised: Altered or concealed in appearance or nature; hidden or obscured by a disguise.
  14. Unbeknownst: Without the knowledge of someone; unknown.
  15. Mingled: Mixed or blended together, typically in a way that is not easily separated.
  16. Swiftly: In a way that moves quickly or with great speed; rapidly; promptly.
  17. Apprehended: Arrested or seized; taken into custody, often by authority.
  18. Confessed: Admitted or acknowledged something reluctantly, typically in relation to wrongdoing or guilt.
  19. Ingenuity: Cleverness, originality, or inventive skill, especially in the development or application of ideas.
  20. Reputation: The beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something; the state of being known or recognized for a particular quality or skill.
  21. Prosperity: The state of being prosperous; success, thriving, or good fortune.
  22. Testament: Something that serves as a sign or evidence of a fact or event; a statement of belief or conviction.
  23. Solidifying: Making or becoming hard, firm, or solid; reinforcing or strengthening.

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